Notepad plusplus (versi terbaru: Notepad ++ 6.6.8) adalah Software Gratis (Freeware), yaitu editor Source code, dan pengganti notepad (yang bukan notepad ++) yang mendukung beberapa bahasa, bekerja di MS Windows, dan di atur oleh license GPL, dan masih banyak lagi.
Notepad++ merupakan text editor free source code (aplikasi gratisan) di bawah lisensi GPL (General Public License) yang mendukung banyak programming language (bahasa pemrograman) di lingkungan Windows. Bahasa pemograman yang didukung Notepad plus-plus antara lain: C, C++, Java, C#, XML, HTML, PHP, Javascript, RC file, makefile, nfo, doxygen, ini file, batch file, ASP, VB/VBS, SQL, Objective-C, CSS, Pascal, Perl, Python, Lua, Unix Shell Script, Fortran, NSIS and Flash action script. Fitur utama Notepad++ adalah Syntax Highlighting dan Syntax Folding, User Language Define System, Regular Expression Search, WYSIWYG (jika anda memiliki printer warna, cetaklah source code anda dengan warna), dukungan Unicode, dukungan drag-and-drop, Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting.
Notepad++ merupakan text editor free source code (aplikasi gratisan) di bawah lisensi GPL (General Public License) yang mendukung banyak programming language (bahasa pemrograman) di lingkungan Windows. Bahasa pemograman yang didukung Notepad plus-plus antara lain: C, C++, Java, C#, XML, HTML, PHP, Javascript, RC file, makefile, nfo, doxygen, ini file, batch file, ASP, VB/VBS, SQL, Objective-C, CSS, Pascal, Perl, Python, Lua, Unix Shell Script, Fortran, NSIS and Flash action script. Fitur utama Notepad++ adalah Syntax Highlighting dan Syntax Folding, User Language Define System, Regular Expression Search, WYSIWYG (jika anda memiliki printer warna, cetaklah source code anda dengan warna), dukungan Unicode, dukungan drag-and-drop, Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting.
Apa yang terbaru dari Notepad plus plus ?
1.Fix a crash issue (regression).
2.Add Function List Panel (customizable, support C++ and Javascript for the moment).
3.Display the error/result in the new added statusbar of Find/Replace dialog instead in popup dialogs.
4.Add delimiter select by ctrl+Double click feature.
5.Add set begin position feature for selection.
6.Fix fold all command bug (which folds partially).
7.Fix opening the same file twice due to its different path (for example symbol link).
8.Fix deleting macro from macro menu crash issue.
9.Fix the bug of Window position not saved/restored properly.
10.Fix small window size problem due to closing Notepad++ in icon state (reduced in the taskbar) on the last session.
11.Enhance Block comment: remove 1024 bytes limit.
12.Fix a detection error of UTF16 file from a binary file.
13.Enhance the performance of switching files if folding is applied.
14.Fix macro problem: Find functionality doesn't work in "Run a Macro Multiple Times".
15.Enhance the performance while double clicking on a very long word.
16.Enhance TAB/Space conversion: UTF8 support and preserving the current state.
17.Change the Preferences dialog's UI (List interface instead of tab interface).
Fitur dari Notepad plus plus:
1.Fix a crash issue (regression).
2.Add Function List Panel (customizable, support C++ and Javascript for the moment).
3.Display the error/result in the new added statusbar of Find/Replace dialog instead in popup dialogs.
4.Add delimiter select by ctrl+Double click feature.
5.Add set begin position feature for selection.
6.Fix fold all command bug (which folds partially).
7.Fix opening the same file twice due to its different path (for example symbol link).
8.Fix deleting macro from macro menu crash issue.
9.Fix the bug of Window position not saved/restored properly.
10.Fix small window size problem due to closing Notepad++ in icon state (reduced in the taskbar) on the last session.
11.Enhance Block comment: remove 1024 bytes limit.
12.Fix a detection error of UTF16 file from a binary file.
13.Enhance the performance of switching files if folding is applied.
14.Fix macro problem: Find functionality doesn't work in "Run a Macro Multiple Times".
15.Enhance the performance while double clicking on a very long word.
16.Enhance TAB/Space conversion: UTF8 support and preserving the current state.
17.Change the Preferences dialog's UI (List interface instead of tab interface).
Fitur dari Notepad plus plus:
- Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Folding
- User Defined Syntax Highlighting and Folding: screenshot 1, screenshot 2, screenshot 3 and screenshot 4
- PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression) Search/Replace
- GUI entirely customizable: minimalist, tab with close button, multi-line tab, vertical tab and vertical document list
- Document Map
- Auto-completion: Word completion, Function completion and Function parameters hint
- Multi-Document (Tab interface)
- Multi-View
- WYSIWYG (Printing)
- Zoom in and zoom out
- Multi-Language environment supported
- Bookmark
- Macro recording and playback
- Launch with different arguments
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